Assalamualaikum .
So this post just wanna share Petronas Youngstars Day 2014. Hope this will help for those yang nak pergi nanti . My interview was held at UTM SPACE KL on 15th April 2014.

So basically , ada three/four things yang kena buat which is :
1. Tests:
    -Maths test
    -Science tests (depends on your course)
    -IQ tests
2. Interview .
3. Study Case .

For the tests , of course you kena study lah melainkan yang belajar SPM dulu still dalam kepala then okay lah . haha . Soalan ada both maths and addmaths haaaaa see ada addmaths haha good luck ! For IQ test its not that hard bebbanding the other test . Focus and selesaikan cepat because the time given memang tak cukup. Ohh its Diagrammatic test tau . hmm kiranya macam corak lah . Boleh je search dekat google and try tadelah terkejut sangat okaaay ?

Next , the interview . haaaaah I know this the most scary part kan ? Haha I feel you :D but just keep calm , relax je . Semua akan berkumpul in this one room dulu and fikir about the case yang dia bagi and then masuk interview room sorang-sorang dulu then in group pulak. You will have your own position macam Ministry of Education or etc. The first part yang masuk sorang you will be given 10 minutes. Dont be too nervous . Bagi Salam then masuk baca Bismillah and yeah everything will be fine . Actually , the interview was kinda fun . Depends lah nasib eh haha.

Kayyy so bila interview individu dah settle the whole group pulak akan masuk . Haaaah , now kena menonjol masa study case. You kena bincang how to solve the problem . They will see how you discuss and the teamwork . Dont conquer the discussion. So bila the study case dah settle theeeeen thats it you can go back home :)

Semua akan fikir Petronas Scholarship susah nak dapat and so on . But who knows kita one of those yang dapat ? Pape pun just doa and tawakal okay . At last , Allah knows what is the best for us . In shaa Allah.
Pray for me !

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