Olla !


Yesterday I just finished watching the Sahabat drama series. Well for me , it is one of the best malay drama that I ever watched. They got a good storyline , I mean it showed many good points to the audience. Like how a real friendship is . Hmm sounds cliché isn't it ? But seriously there's a big difference between guys and girls friendships . Like how Bak and Shaq get along together in just a simple scene. But for girls I'm sure that it will takes time or even years or forever just for girls to get back together as friends/bestfriends. ( you know why ? See up there , the second pic. That's the reason why. It's easier to forgive an enemy than a friend .) Don't you agree ? Even though the drama is not that gempak as the other malay dramas but it's worth watching it. Great actors and actresses , great plots and of course great friendship ! Sahabat never fails to make me smile and laugh at their scenes. The last scene was a bit heartbreaking , when Shaq tried to confess his feeling to Alia and end things up at that moments but he just couldn't express it. Oh my , so sad haha what ever it is , that is the last time I can watch Syarif Sleeq acting huwaaaa . Need more dramas with this guy in it , He's a great actor anyway !!  

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